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The 20th century was truly a remarkable era in the history of art, for it was marked by the emergence of some of the most talented and influential painters the world has ever seen. These artists revolutionized the art scene with their bold ideas and accompanying techniques, making it impossible for anyone to ignore their contributions to the development of the art world as a whole. Among the most notable names of this era are Chagall, Picasso, Miro, Matisse, Braque, Schiele, Beaudin, Warhol, Chillida, and Dali, who pushed the boundaries of traditional art and ushered in a new era of abstractionism and surrealism. These artists created masterpieces that not only captured the essence of their times but also influenced the way future generations perceive art and appreciate its beauty. Consequently, their legacy has continued to shape and inspire artists and art enthusiasts alike to this day.